Saturday, June 7, 2008


Friday I joined the abuelas in the arts and crafts room to help make earrings, which many of you will be getting as gifts, when I suddenly had a really sad thought. Even if I do make it back to Los Martincitos in the next 5 years, many of the abuelos who I have grown to adore will no longer be around. As my eyes welled up I looked out into the courtyard to see a group of abuelos doing some simple yoga and Leone snuck up behind me and gave me probably the best hug ever. As you can tell, I'm not looking forward to saying good bye next week. These are some special people who have given me an experience that I'll never forget.

On another sad note, my driver, Mario, found out on Friday that his father passed away. Mario has the personality of a joyous kid and would literally do anything to help out us volunteers with anything we need. He doesn't speak a lot of English, but he is highly entertaining and I consider myself lucky to spend the transportaion time in the morning and the afternoon in his van. I guess his father was very sick and slipped into a coma earlier in the week. He took Friday off and he'll return to work on Monday. Our program dirctor said that Mario is relieved by his death because he had been sick for such a long time. Time to send some love to Mario.

Friday evening, my roommate, Marni, and I went out to a town called Barranco to watch some flamenco dancing. Wow! They were amazing! There was a singer, percussionist, guitarist and 4 dancers. I was mesmerized! While we were at the performance, we met a singer from Peru named Jorge Pardo. It turns out that he was up for a Latin Grammy. We got to telling him that we were volunteers from the US working in Villa el Salvador. To our surprise he said that he doesn't get the opportunity that often to help out programs like Los Martincitos and offered his singing services. We immediately took him up on it because we are planning a party for our abuelos next Wednesday... I hope it all works out!

Peace and love to Mario and the abuelos at Los Martincitos! Hugs!

1 comment:

Bill said...

Hi Kirstin!

I can see you've become attached, and no doubt they feel the same spirit for you. The story of the Marios and Leones will linger with you for some time. Things will never quite be the same for you, I'm guessing, or at least, that has been my own experience along this journey we call life. Your husband, by the way did a marvelous job on the show Thursday. What a magical moment it was. I know when you see it, you will feel the same. May the days that remain for you in your new adopted home, be as rich as the others have been. Love, Bill