Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Muchos Voluntarios!!!

Wow!!! We just had a HUGE group of new volunteers invade the house this weekend. The new group has a total of 31 people! Add that to the 9 "vets" in the house and that is a total of 40 people under one roof. They're a great bunch and a lot of fun to hang out with, but I've also been taking advantage of getting out of the house... a lot! It's funny because I feel like the old pro in the house. At meal times all the new volunteers come loaded with questions... Where is the internet cafe?... Where is there a laundry service?... Is there a gym nearby?... Is there a store nearby?... As you can imagine, it's all the questions that I had when I first arrived.

After two weeks of living in Peru, I feel like I'm finally settled here and that I now have the time to really soak in the Peruvian experience. It's great just going out for a walk and observing Peruvian life. There certainly are a lot of lovers walking around. The latinos definitely don't keep their amor to themselves. Every park I walk through there are couples smooching on every park bench... Very romantic!

That's all for now folks. More in a couple of days! Adios!

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