Thursday, June 5, 2008

Inca Kola!

I know... You're thinking, what the heck is Inca Kola? Well, basically it's the national drink. Inca Kola is yellow in color and tastes like a combination of cream soda and bubble gum. It also has a TON of caffiene in it. Ay, yay, yay! Arriba, arriba! I've had a few and it's pretty refreshing to say the least.

I've also had my fill of Peruvian food. Since there are over 2000 types of potatoes that are grown in Peru, you can probably guess that EVERY dish has some kind over potato in it. There must be a 1000 different ways to serve up chicken, rice and potatoes... And if there are, I've eaten about 500 off them. Seriously, I'm dying for a cheeseburger! There is also a type of food in Peru called Chifa which is a fusion of Chinese and Peruvian cooking. I must say that it is really good! Yummmmm!

Things are still kickin' at Los Martincitos! Yesterday we had a roaring game of Bingo! Those abuelos sure do take their Bingo seriously. If they won, they got a carton of chocolate milk and that is nothing to laugh about. This is serious business folks! I also gave my 90+ year old men shoulder rubs (Cirilo, Lorenzo and Demetrio), which I think they enjoyed. At least, I didn't hear any complaints and if I did, I don't know that I would necesarily understand them. I also spent some time with my abuela amiga, Leone. I think she would hug me all day if she could. Such a sweetie! Today we did the house visits and Sister Jackie took us through one of the big markets in Villa el Salvador. Walking through the market, I felt like I was in an Indiana Jones movie. Whole, gutted pigs on a hook, chickens, Amazonian fish... You name it and it could be found at this market.

Adios, mis amigos!

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