Monday, June 16, 2008

Alas, Photos from Peru!!!

Here are the best of the best! Enjoy mis amigos!

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Final Days.

Like my first few days in Peru, my final days were also a blur. On Wednesday we volunteers threw a party for the abuelos to show our appreciation and to say thank you for for letting us into their hearts and homes. The fiesta was a HUGE success!!! After breakfast, we handed out brightly colored masks donned with sequins and feathers. That was a big hit. They all wanted photos with their masks on. It was hilarious! Just picture about 85 native Andean abuelos sitting around with these flashy masks on. Too funny! Then we had a rip roarin' game of BINGO where we handed out prizes of socks, wash clothes and tupperware. They may not seem like "fabulous" prizes to us, but to the abuelos these prizes are considered gold. In the end, everyone received a prize as we made sure that there was enough to go around for all. After Bingo, it was time for cake and dancing! Let me tell you... Some of those folks may be 95 years old, but they can cut a rug! We even had a Conga train going! At lunch, our special entertainment showed up. Jorge Pardo, a singer who is well known in Peru, came and sang about 5 songs while the abuelos were eating their lunch. I mean really, how often do the abuelos get to dine to live music. I'm so glad that everyone had a great time. Ahhhh success!!!

Thursday we did more house visits to those abuelos who haven't been showing up to the program. Sister Jacci was planning a big party on Friday in honor of Father's Day and she wanted to make sure that everyone could be there. For some of the abuelos the Los Martincitos is too far to walk so they have to take a Taxi Moto. Unfortunately, some don't show up simply because they can't afford that taxi fare which is about 1 sole (35 cents) round trip. Marni and I had some money leftover from the party fund, so we made sure that everyone had taxi fare. No excuses!

Friday was the Father's Day Party and to my delight all the folks who we gave Taxi fare to were present and accounted for. Hooray! The men all got a spiffy shave and haircut if they needed it. They were also given wonderful Father's Day goody bags filled with a t-shirts, underwear and a blazer thanks to a recent donation from a men's store in Spain. I have to say that, for me, the day was bitter sweet. Not only was it their Father's Day celebration, but it was also my last day with these incredibly special people. When our van pulled up, Sister Jacci pulled Marni and I in front of the 100 seated abuelos to do the formal good bye. The abuelos thanked us and then sang us a song to wish us well. I thanked them as well and let them know that they have given me much more than I have given them. And then all the abuelos rushed up to us to give us our final hugs and kisses good bye... That's when the tears came rushing. Then, just when I thought it was over, there was Sister Jacci waiting to say good bye. That was tough... Really tough. I traveled to Peru to help out for a month, but she has been doing this every single day for the past 8 years... We need more Sister Jacci's in this world. Cheers Jacci!

We could learn a lot from the abuelos. They are a strong breed! They have had hard lives working the fields when they lived in the country, keeping and building their houses, raising their kids and living in poverty. Now they are in their 70's, 80's and 90's in which they live in impoverished conditions and supporting themselves on less than a dollar a day. And yet, they are the most loving and appreciative folks I've ever met. They enjoy a good party, they look out for each other and they love to laugh. In my 4 weeks at Los Martincitos, there was not an ounce of victimhood or complaints and that was really refreshing. They are all champions in my book!

Adios Los Martincitos! Mi corazon es contigo!

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Rich and The Poor...

So the other day my roommate, Marni, and were thinking of ways we could help out the abuelos at Los Martincitos. Us volunteers are housed in a nice neighborhood called Surco and we thought maybe the local businesses may want to help out. I mean, who wouldn't want to help out these wonderful souls?... Well, it turns out that a lot of people don't want to help them out. We approached our program manager about asking the Gold's Gym down the street to take part in a shoe donation... That's when we found out the truth about upper class Peruvians. As it turns out, the upper class has a lot of hostility towards the lower class population of Villa el Salvador because they think that the "brown" people of Villa el Salvador have ruined their city. In fact, they would love it if the lower class packed their things and headed for the hills... literally, the Andean hills. So instead of helping out the poverty stricken, they are ignored and hated. The guide books weren't kidding when they said there was an upper class, a lower class and nothing in the middle.

Well, I'm off to help make tissue paper flowers for the party that the volunteers are throwing for the abuelos. It's the least that we can do... The gift of appreciation that they have given us is much greater.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Friday I joined the abuelas in the arts and crafts room to help make earrings, which many of you will be getting as gifts, when I suddenly had a really sad thought. Even if I do make it back to Los Martincitos in the next 5 years, many of the abuelos who I have grown to adore will no longer be around. As my eyes welled up I looked out into the courtyard to see a group of abuelos doing some simple yoga and Leone snuck up behind me and gave me probably the best hug ever. As you can tell, I'm not looking forward to saying good bye next week. These are some special people who have given me an experience that I'll never forget.

On another sad note, my driver, Mario, found out on Friday that his father passed away. Mario has the personality of a joyous kid and would literally do anything to help out us volunteers with anything we need. He doesn't speak a lot of English, but he is highly entertaining and I consider myself lucky to spend the transportaion time in the morning and the afternoon in his van. I guess his father was very sick and slipped into a coma earlier in the week. He took Friday off and he'll return to work on Monday. Our program dirctor said that Mario is relieved by his death because he had been sick for such a long time. Time to send some love to Mario.

Friday evening, my roommate, Marni, and I went out to a town called Barranco to watch some flamenco dancing. Wow! They were amazing! There was a singer, percussionist, guitarist and 4 dancers. I was mesmerized! While we were at the performance, we met a singer from Peru named Jorge Pardo. It turns out that he was up for a Latin Grammy. We got to telling him that we were volunteers from the US working in Villa el Salvador. To our surprise he said that he doesn't get the opportunity that often to help out programs like Los Martincitos and offered his singing services. We immediately took him up on it because we are planning a party for our abuelos next Wednesday... I hope it all works out!

Peace and love to Mario and the abuelos at Los Martincitos! Hugs!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Inca Kola!

I know... You're thinking, what the heck is Inca Kola? Well, basically it's the national drink. Inca Kola is yellow in color and tastes like a combination of cream soda and bubble gum. It also has a TON of caffiene in it. Ay, yay, yay! Arriba, arriba! I've had a few and it's pretty refreshing to say the least.

I've also had my fill of Peruvian food. Since there are over 2000 types of potatoes that are grown in Peru, you can probably guess that EVERY dish has some kind over potato in it. There must be a 1000 different ways to serve up chicken, rice and potatoes... And if there are, I've eaten about 500 off them. Seriously, I'm dying for a cheeseburger! There is also a type of food in Peru called Chifa which is a fusion of Chinese and Peruvian cooking. I must say that it is really good! Yummmmm!

Things are still kickin' at Los Martincitos! Yesterday we had a roaring game of Bingo! Those abuelos sure do take their Bingo seriously. If they won, they got a carton of chocolate milk and that is nothing to laugh about. This is serious business folks! I also gave my 90+ year old men shoulder rubs (Cirilo, Lorenzo and Demetrio), which I think they enjoyed. At least, I didn't hear any complaints and if I did, I don't know that I would necesarily understand them. I also spent some time with my abuela amiga, Leone. I think she would hug me all day if she could. Such a sweetie! Today we did the house visits and Sister Jackie took us through one of the big markets in Villa el Salvador. Walking through the market, I felt like I was in an Indiana Jones movie. Whole, gutted pigs on a hook, chickens, Amazonian fish... You name it and it could be found at this market.

Adios, mis amigos!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Muchos Voluntarios!!!

Wow!!! We just had a HUGE group of new volunteers invade the house this weekend. The new group has a total of 31 people! Add that to the 9 "vets" in the house and that is a total of 40 people under one roof. They're a great bunch and a lot of fun to hang out with, but I've also been taking advantage of getting out of the house... a lot! It's funny because I feel like the old pro in the house. At meal times all the new volunteers come loaded with questions... Where is the internet cafe?... Where is there a laundry service?... Is there a gym nearby?... Is there a store nearby?... As you can imagine, it's all the questions that I had when I first arrived.

After two weeks of living in Peru, I feel like I'm finally settled here and that I now have the time to really soak in the Peruvian experience. It's great just going out for a walk and observing Peruvian life. There certainly are a lot of lovers walking around. The latinos definitely don't keep their amor to themselves. Every park I walk through there are couples smooching on every park bench... Very romantic!

That's all for now folks. More in a couple of days! Adios!