Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ups and Downs

So Sunday I went to help out at a women's shelter. These are women who work domestic jobs and the center supports them in helping them get better jobs. I guess the domestic jobs that these women currently have are not very good situations. They are paid little to no money and quite often they are beaten. The shelter also caters to children who are either already working domestic jobs or are in danger of being put to work. I arrived and was put to work teaching English. Now, I've never taught an English class before, but these women wanted to learn and I was willing to do my best. There were 4 women, one 13 year old and one 8 year old. The class worked out fantastically. Not only was I helping to teach them English, which they were all fervent about learning, but they also helped to teach me some Spanish and I think they really enjoyed that. Our van came to pick us up and they didn't want us to leave, but we promised we would be back next week and that made them smile. Ahhhhh.... good deeds.

That night, the cough I have been developing throughout the week due to the horrible polution here in Lima turned into a full blown respiratory infection. I had all the symptoms... The non-stop coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses... I didn't sleep a wink. So, unfortunately, I was sick in bed all day on Monday. The doctor, who is like a Peruvian Nurse Wratchett times ten, gave me some antibiotics and I'm feeling much better today. I'm about 85% back to feeling like a person again. Hooray!

Other than that, everything is fabulous! I got lucky and have a great roommate :-) Plus, our entire volunteer group is a lot of fun. It's crazy to think that about half the volunteer group is leaving on Saturday. However, it won't be lonely in the house for long because there is another 30 volunteers arriving on June 1st. Crazy times!!!

Hugs to everyone! Adios!

1 comment:

Amy said...

hey there cookie! i've really enjoyed reading about all your adventures so far...glad you are starting to breathe a little better :) keep the blogs comin'!