Friday, May 23, 2008

A Few Things About Peru...

...that I thought you all might like to know. First off, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE. Let's just say that the rule to driving in Peru is that here aren't any rules. I don't know how they do it, but I'm amazed that there aren't more accidents. Also, cross the street at your own risk. Pretty scary. Second, the air pollution is pretty horrible. I ent for a run out side and I thought I was going to cough up a lung. Hence, I joined a gym so I can run on the treadmill. And finally, in Peru, you are not to throw your toilet paper in the toilet. You must throw it in the garbage basket next to the toilet. Oh... you must also bring your own toilet paper. Ahhhh... Peruvian customs.

Today at Los Martincitos was a good day. There is an aboelo named Lorenzo who we have been trying to get to attend the program rather than sitting home all day alone in his wheel chair. Well... Today I'm happy to say that he participated in the program. As soon as he arrived we rolled him over for a shave which is one of the perks of being part of the program. All the abuelos get 2 hot meals, manicures, pedicures and the men get a shave. Hooray Lorenzo!!! We also made earrings which we are going to sell for 2 soles (50 cents) to help raise money for Los Marticitos. FYI... Los Martincitos doesn't get any funding from the government. It is all on a donation basis. Most of the government funding goes to schools and support for young people.

It looks like I won't be going to Huarez this weekend. I've decided to stay in Lima and see the sights... More on that later. I hope everyone is well.

Gracias y adios mis amigos!

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