Thursday, May 22, 2008

Love Those Abuelos!!!

Monday we had our day of orientation which started at 8am. We went to Los Martincitos where we were introduced to all the abuelos (elderly folks). It would be an understatement to say that they gave us a warm welcome. After the introductions we were then given a history lesson on Vill El Salvador. This is the section of Peru where we are volunteering. I'll just say that you haven't seen poverty until you've seen Villa El Salvador. Most of the abuelos live on less than 2 dollars a day. Although they are severely poverty stricken, they are rich is spirit!

Tuesday we had our first day of work. Sister Jackie, who is my new hero, loaded us into the van to go out and do house visits to the abuelos who did not show up to the program which takes place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We visited several homes, and heard stories about drunk sons who abuse the elderly, poverty, crime and illness. The abuelos live in tiny concrete houses. They are cold, dirty and smell musty. However, when we enter their homes you can see their faces light up. They want to hug and kiss each and every one of us and they are just so grateful that we have taken the time to pay a visit and listen to their stories for a few minutes. Sister Jackie is so wonderful with them and makes them smile when they need a little cheering up. She's a tough one and I'm glad that she is looking out for them.

Wednesday was our first day working at the Los Martincitos center. I painted the ladies nails and, WOW, did they love that. We brought out the manicure supplies and the abuelas swarmed to the table. Who knew so much joy could be given through giving a few manicures? The abuelos are pretty terrific. After our work in the morning, we took a little field trip out to the ruins of Pachacamac and then we got a little more history on Peru.

I haven't even been here a week and already I'm wondering why Villa El Salvador and their programs haven't gotten more attention internationally. When I see the work that Sister Jackie has done with Los Martincitos, it inspires me to do a documentary on them. They deserve the recognition.

As for this weekend, it looks like a few of us may venture out to Huarez where there are Andean glaciers that won't be around in 20 years... Thank you global warming... So I'm of to the countryside!

Hast luego y adios!


Unknown said...

Hola Kirstin! Wow, have you hit the ground running. I'm amazed at how quickly you have gotten into the culture and activities. I read the energy in your experience, and know this will be life altering for you and those of us who love you. Keep looking out for the saints. There will be many Sister Jackie's along the way that will make your experience I am certain. Thanks for devoting your energy to those who are weak and innocent in our world. Love, Abuelo Bill

bill said...

for comments Kirstin, send to my home address not to Fontonna. Bill